Mr. Roman Kent,
Our Dear Friend,
You are part of the legend of the history of Polish Jews. Is it not natural that the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute, which initiated the construction and led to the creation of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, is celebrating your 95th birthday with you?
Especially that your contribution to this project – as a long-term Treasurer of the Claims Conference – is significant. By the way, thank you for also gifting us a fragment of your biography from the the publication ‘My Dog Lala’, published very beautifully by the Museum. We are also grateful to you for many years of managing an important international organization, the International Auschwitz Committee.
Our Association, which is part of the IOC appreciates this highly. Please accept the best wishes of health- health and strength for your round birthday! Jews traditionally wish at such an occasion: UP TO HUNDRED TWENTY YEARS! And that’s what we wish to you.
We would like to inform you that our birthday present is the polish version of your autobiography COURAGE WAS MY ONLY OPTION. Two institutions close to your heart helped us publish the Polish translation: the International Auschwitz Committee from Berlin and the Marek Edelman Dialogue Center from Łódź. Once again: health, health, health and: AD MEJ’A WE’ESRIM, BIZ HYNDERT YN CWANCIG.
For the Board of the Association
Piotr Wiślicki Marian Turski