The Grants Program of the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland is the only open grants program in Poland aimed at preserving and perpetuating the memory of Jews and protecting their heritage in Poland. It is aimed at local activists who involve their communities in their projects. Since 2013, the Association has supported more than 200 initiatives implemented in different regions of Poland. Among these initiatives are commemorations, publications, educational activities and various cultural events designed to bring the traditions and history of Polish Jews closer to the public.
Who we support:
Cultural institutions and non-governmental organizations registered in Poland, operating within the present and historical borders of Poland, may apply for support in the Association’s Grants Program. Their goal should be to preserve the memory of Jewish history and culture in this part of Europe, and to protect Jewish heritage. Examples of supported projects can be found at Grants projects – Association Of The Jewish Historical Institute Of Poland (
Why support local communities and their leaders?
Before the war, Poland was home to more than 3 million Jews who had lived there for generations, creating their own culture and contributing to Polish culture. The small community of Polish Jews today is unable to take care of the vast material and Jewish cultural heritage. Poland is home to Europe’s largest number of cemeteries, former synagogues and countless artifacts and memorabilia that are still being discovered today in attics and basements of pre-war homes. Without the support of local activists who restore the history of their local Jewish communities, Jewish heritage and memory would be degraded. We help them protect our common heritage.