Holder of a PhD degree in ethnology, expert in the field of anthropology of memory and Polish-Jewish relations. Author of several papers and a doctoral dissertation on individual and collective memory of Jews residing in the Lower Silesia region after the Second World War, as well as post-war history of the Jewish community in Poland. She has a close relationship, on both professional and personal levels, with Polish Jews who left Poland as a result of the 1968 antisemitic campaign. A lecturer at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Warsaw, and the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). Co-editor of Antropologia wobec dyskryminacji [Anthropology and Discrimination, 2016]. Author of articles featured in collected works published both in Poland and abroad: “Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship” (2016) and “Von Mahnstätten über zeithistorische Museen zu Orten des Massentourismus? Gedenkstätten an Orten von NS-Verbrechen in Polen und Deutschland” (2016). A long-term employee of the POLIN Museum, she supervises anti-discriminatory projects addressed to the Police and manages a team of museum guides. At the Museum, she has also been responsible for coordinating the content of the March ’68 anniversary events. Participant of the Tarbut Fellowship program for leaders involved in initiatives for the Jewish community in Poland.
dr Kamila Dąbrowska