Graduated from the Institute of History of the University of Warsaw under Professor Marcin Kula. Author of the book “Czasami trudno się bronić. Uwarunkowania postaw Żydów podczas okupacji hitlerowskiej w Polsce” [Sometimes it is hard to defend oneself. Determinants of Jewish attitudes in Nazi occupied Poland]. Since 2006 he has been involved in initiatives promoting remembrance and dialogue. He has partnered with the Forum for Dialogue, the KARTA Center, the History Meeting House, as well as worked for the POLIN Museum (as an JHI Association employee) and at the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Milan. At present, he is associated with the Jewish Theatre and the Shalom Foundation. For many years, he has been involved in projects for the preservation of fragments of ghetto walls at Waliców Street.
Throughout his professional career, he has been mainly responsible for coordinating cultural, educational and social projects. He used to work as a deputy coordinator and coordinator of the Virtual Shtetl project, was the initiator and coordinator of the portals “Polski Cmentarz Wojenny w Bolonii” [Polish War Cemetery Bologna] and Nieskończenie Niepodległa Ludzie [Unending Independence People]. He is a contributor to the Jewish Culture Festival – Singer’s Warsaw, the “And I Still See Their Faces” exhibition, the portal of Polish Jews as well as other projects of the Shalom Foundation and the Jewish Theatre.
Grzegorz Kołacz