
Jewish remembrance monument in Krościenko nad Dunajcem

A subsidy for Nomina Rosae Ogród Kultury Dawnej Foundation.

‘The People, Not Numbers’ project of the Nomina Rosae Ogród Kultury Dawnej Foundation commemorates the Jewish community of Krościenko nad Dunajcem. They created and placed a monument and plaque about the Krościenko Jewish community in the Jewish cemetery. The monument, in the form of a broken tombstone with a Star of David, bears the names of 256 Holocaust victims. This monument has powerful symbolic significance, as only one gravestone has survived intact in the cemetery. The last Jews of Krościenko were murdered or expelled to Nowy Targ on 28 August 1942.


Text and pictures: Fundacja Nomina Rosae Ogród Kultury Dawnej 

Amount granted by the Association: 10.000 PLN