The goal of the project Łódź spun its dreams – the Jewish Women’s Trails by the Łódź Women’s Heritage Trail Foundation is to make permanent the memory of Jewish women connected with Łódź, as well as showing their contribution to the development of the city and its culture. Łódź residents will be invited to a series of free walking tours and lectures covering a broad spectrum of issues related to the history of the Jewish community seen through the prism of the fate of women. The heroes will be Irena and Adela Tuwim, Chawa Rozenfarb, Alina Margolis-Edelman, Ida Kamińska, Mary Berg, Rywka Lipszyc, Leonia Poznańska and many more. The project is connected with significant anniversaries: 100 years since the birth of Chawa Rozenfarb, 125 since that of Irena Tuwim, the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and finally the 600th anniversary of Łódź receiving city status – the Foundation wants to complement the celebrations of the city’s birthday with important narrative threads that nevertheless are still on the margins.
Łódź spun its dreams – the Jewish Women’s Trails
Grant to the Łódź Women’s Trail Foundation for the project ‘Lodz spun its dreams’ – Jewish Women’s Trails