Secretary of the Board

Jan Ordyński

Journalist. Born in Łódź, studied at the University of Łódź. He was also an animator of student culture in this city.

For many years he was a journalist for “Rzeczpospolita” daily newspaper. Until 2016, he also worked with TVP and Polish Radio. He also worked with the Shalom Foundation. Currently, he is a member of the teams of the weekly “Przegląd” and “Zdanie”, magazine of the Kuźnica Association.

With Henryk Szlajfer, he is the co-author of an interview with Mieczysław Rakowski “Don’t be my judges. Conversations with Mieczysław F. Rakowski.” He is also the author of “Passa” – an interview with Daniel Passent.

He is the first laureate of Złota Waga (Golden Weight), the award of the Polish bar, and Ostre Pióro (Sharp Pen), the award of the Business Center Club and the Honorary Accreditation of the Marshal of the Sejm. In connection with his journalistic activity, he was awarded the Medal of the 50th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Winner of the Award of the Capital City of Warsaw for 2012. He was also awarded the Bronze Medal “Zasłużony Kulturze Gloria Artis”.

One of the founders of the Society of Journalists, currently a member of its authorities.