An economist by education (1976 – Copenhagen University, 1979 – Copenhagen Business School), Doctor of Philosophy (2002 – University of Warsaw). In 1980-84 he managed a USD 4 billion securities portfolio for Baltica Insurance, Copenhagen. In the years 1985-1995 he was a partner in the Danish investment bank Sankt Annae Bank, responsible for international capital markets. He has carried out over 150 Eurobond issues as a manager, co-manager or joint lead manager of issues for, among others: World Bank, IFC, Danish Finance, IBM, Cariplo, McDonald’s, British Petroleum, Deutsche Bank, Coca-Cola, Toronto Dominion Bank in cooperation with Deutsche Bank, Hambros Bank, Westpac Banking Corporation, Salomon Brothers. In 1990-95 he was involved in privatization processes in Poland. As an advisor to the Minister of Privatization, he participated in the first Polish privatizations, both individual and sectoral. In the years 1998-2013, Managing Partner of BDO Polska, the fifth largest audit and consulting company in Poland and in the world. He actively participated in shaping the institutions and processes of the capital market. Under his leadership, BDO carried out over 80 issues on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. As a Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois/UW in 2003-2006, he gave lectures on accounting for Executive MBA participants. Since 2015, he has been operating on the Polish book market. He is the author of the books: “Speculation as an Example of Rational Behavior under Uncertainty”, “Metafizyczne wątki w ekonomii” (Metaphysical Threads in Economics), “Dzień pierwszy” (Day One). Co-author of textbooks: “Fuzje i przejęcia przedsiębiorstw” (Mergers and acquisitions of enterprises), “Droga na Giełdę” (Road to Stock Exchange).