Literary scholar and professor at the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. In the years 2000-2011 she was head of the Department of Jewish Culture and History; author of many books and translator from English and Yiddish (including works by Isaac Bashevis Singer, Szolem Asz, Ojzer Warszawski, Jankew Gladsztejn, Mordechaj Canin, Grace Paley, John Barth and others). She published, among others, Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Poland – Parting and Return (1994), Contemporary Jewish Writing in Poland. An Anthology (2001, with Antony Polonsky), Shades of Identity. Jewish literature as a multilingual phenomenon (2004), Kazimierz vel Kuzmir. The Town of Various Dreams (2006), My Home Was Once There … Memorial Books of Jewish Communities (2009, with Adam Kopciowski and Andrzej Trzciński), The Aftermath of the Holocaust in Poland 1944-2010 (2014, with Feliks Tych). In 2004 she received the Jan Karski and Pola Nireńska scientific award for research on Yiddish literature, and in 2016 the Irena Sendler Award.
Prof. Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska