In researching the lives and promoting the work of Szlomo Gilbert and Esther Kreitman (the sister of Isaac Bashevis Singer), who had ties with Radzymin, the Radzymin Municipal Public Library seeks to integrate the town’s residents around the Yiddish literature. The main element of the project is the translation from Yiddish of three stories by Szlomo Gilbert, a writer born in Radzymin, in which the author refers to his youth in the town. Additionally, actors from the local Teatr Maskarada will stage a performative reading to make his texts available to a broader audience. The Library will also commemorate the figure of Esther Kreitman, who lived in Radzymin in 1907-08; the town appears in her work. A meeting will be held with the translators of her books, Zofia Zięba and Monika Polit, featuring readings of selections that refer to her experiences in Radzymin. All of these activities will be accompanied by workshops on the basics of Yiddish.
Not only Singer. Discovering Jewish writers from Radzymin
Grant to the Public Library of the City and Commune of Radzymin for the realization of the project “Not only SInger. Discovering Jewish writers from Radzymin”