Party at Mietek Wajnberg’s is an open-air event organized since 2021. Every year, Varsovians are invited to the residential building at 66 Żelazna Street in their city’s Wola district, where in 1919 the outstanding composer Mieczysław Wajnberg came into the world. Once a year, the abandoned and neglected house changes into a place full of life: a stage for music and a site for meetings, discussions and dance. The third edition of the event focused on the theme of prewar Warsaw entertainment spots, where the teenage Wajnberg worked. This year’s Party recreated the atmosphere of the evenings Varsovians spent in fashionable locales, listening to exceptional artists and dancing the foxtrot, the Charleston and the shimmy.
Party at Mietek Wajnberg’s: revitalizing the building at 66 Żelazna Street, third edition
Grant for the Mieczysław Weinberg Institute for the implementation of the third edition of “House Party at Mietek Weinberg’s.”