People often visit the City of Rzeszów Photo Gallery who are interested in Jewish subjects, and ask about archival photography showing the life of the city’s Jewish community. To meet these needs, the Gallery decided to undertake a range of activities to commemorate the community. The project calls for the organization of an exhibition based on 450 negatives that are unique in Poland, found in the Gallery’s collections, which show daily life and Rzeszów architecture during the Nazi occupation in 1941-1944, taking into account the history of the Jewish community. The exhibition will be accompanied by events for residents and schoolchildren to popularize the history of Rzeszów’s Jewish community. They will include historical lectures, guided tours in the footsteps of the community, educational workshops for youth from secondary schools, film screenings, commemorative photographic prints and video material summarizing the results of the project.
The memory will remain. Rzeszów Jews during the Occupation
Grant to the Photo Gallery of the City of Rzeszów for the project “The memory will remain. Jews of Rzeszów during the Occupation”.