Since 2017 the Gszarim Foundation has been carrying out the translation from Yiddish of successive volumes of the Sokołów Podlaski memoirs: Perec Granatsztejn’s Sokołów – moje zniszczone miasteczko (Sokołów – my destroyed town), and Simcha Polakiewicz’s In szotn fun Treblinke (In the shadow of Treblinka) and A tog in Treblinke (A day in Treblinka). In 2020 the first part of the Memorial Book was translated, and in 2021 the second. At the end of 2022 the Foundation translated the third part. By translating the book into Polish and making it available online, the Foundation wants to make it possible for residents of Sokołow and the surrounding area to read it, so they can better understand the nature of the reality of the time, get to know an almost forgotten part of their common history, and most of all learn about it from their closest neighbors. The translation is available via this QR code.
Translation of the Sokołów Podlaski Memorial Book – stage III
Grant for the Gszerim Foundation for the third stage of translating the Sokołów Podlaski Memorial Book