Graduate of the Institute of History, University of Warsaw, specializing in the history and culture of Jews in Poland. Since 2004, he has been cooperating with non-governmental organizations working for the intercultural dialogue. In the years 2009–2013 he was the curator of the gallery “On Jewish Street” (1918–1939) of the Core Exhibition of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews. In the years 2013–2018 he was the head of the Historical Information section of the Digital Collections and Resource Center Department of POLIN Museum, responsible for the activities of the Resource Center. Author of publications on the culture and history of Jews in Poland. In 2017-2021, he was a member of the Board of the international Jewish genealogy society – Gesher Galicia, and since 2019, a member of the Board of the Polish Donors Forum, which brings together the largest grant-giving and philanthropic organizations. Since February 2018, he has been the Operational Director of the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland.