Historian, a specialist in the history of Jews in 19th and 20th century. She worked in Mordechai Anielewicz Center for the Study and Teaching of the History and Culture of Jews in Poland from 1991 to 2013 (she was the director since 2001), where she taught history of the Polish Jews in 19th and 20th century. She did her PhD at the Faculty of History at University of Warsaw in 1999 and her post-doctoral degree in 2013. She worked at the Museum of History of Polish Jews from 2014 to 2016 and in Jewish Historical Institute since 2016. She was a lecturer at the University of Notre Dame (USA 2004-2005) and the University of Potsdam (Germany 2014). She was a laureate of Maria and Lukasz Hirszowicz Award in 2013.
The most important publications:
„Zajścia antyżydowskie w Polsce w latach 1935-1937”, Warszawa 1994.
„Na pograniczu dwóch światów”, Apolinary Hartglas, red. J. Żyndul, Warszawa 1996.
„Państwo w państwie? Autonomia narodowo-kulturalna w Europie Środkowowschodniej w XX wieku”, Warszawa 2000.
„Pamięć. Historia Żydów polskich przed, w czasie, i po Zagładzie”, Warszawa 2004 [współautorstwo: B. Engelking, F. Tych, A. Żbikowski; tłum. japońskie 2006; tłum. angielskie 2008; wydanie II 2008].
„Kłamstwo krwi. Legenda mordu rytualnego na ziemiach polskich w XIX i XX wieku”, Warszawa 2011.