

Association board Audit Committee Grants Committee Team

The Association Board works on an honorary basis. Its members not only supervise the activities of the Association, represent it and set new goals, but mostly spend their time and energy on trying to reach its aim, which is preserving the Jewish heritage in Poland. Thanks to their passion the Association can be more and more successful.

Aiming for transparency of all activities of the Association, we have created an internal operating committee
– the Audit Committee. The members are drawn from members of the Association with active and passive suffrage. One of the most important duties of the Committee is to supervise the Association Board, take care of finance transparency, thriftiness and providing optimal allocation of the Association’s assets.

The Grants Committee of the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute announces yearly grant competitions for programmes connected with preserving and commemorating the history and culture of Polish Jews and their contribution into the world culture.

Members of the Grants Committee are chosen by the Association Board for a four year tenure. Members are representatives of the world of science and culture. Their tasks include providing a merit-based opinion on projects that apply for support. Additionally, the Committee supports beneficiaries with their projects, controls spending of grants and evaluates applications for sponsorships for the Association Board.

The Association’s team maintains ongoing communication with our donors, grantees and partners.